Mama Glenda and Big Phil now have access to some fantastic OKRA. We have a standing order for 5 pounds any time they are coming this way. We are putting it up by blanching it for two minutes, dropping it in ice water to cool it off, then draining it well and truly. We spread it out on a large cookie sheet, then place it in the freezer for a couple of hours or more. After it is frozen, we quickly bag it up in quart ziplock baggies, and back in the freezer they go. One large cookie sheet equals three bags, which are about a pound in each.
The frozen okra chops up really easy for gumbo or Okra & Tomatoes, which we eat over rice. It's a wonderful dish for the dead of winter. With some cornbread or biscuits to kind of sop up the juices!
Our favorite way with okra is very simple. Place a layer of okra in a pan with a top. Add water so you've got about a quarter of an inch. Sprinkle with a little salt & pepper, and add a half of a jalepeno if you're into that, which we are. You need to add just a little oil or butter, say about half teaspoon for a large frying pan. You turn the heat on high and watch for it to boil. As soon as it boils good, put the top on, turn the heat off and set the timer for 10 minutes. That's it, you're done. Serve immediately! It cooks enough so that it is not crunchy, but it doesn't get slimy. The Jalepeno kind of infuses through the okra, and oil helps keep it green and pretty. We love it this way!
Last Saturday morning I served this beside a couple of slices of NC tomatoes & a big dollop of steel-cut oats. Twas delicious! Really, you should try it!